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At the right time, Renqin Chunzao Technology "nurtures forests" and they rush to the forefront of serving enterprises

time:2023-07-07   hit:1137

Correspondent You Zuxuan, Wang Yichao, Reporter Zhang Xu

"The end of the year is busier than usual." Recently, when the reporter saw Kan Daoyuan, the head of the 12th group of science and technology town leaders' delegation Gaoyou, and the temporary deputy mayor of Gaoyou City, he said frankly.

On the 12th, the weather forecast showed heavy fog the next morning. According to the agreement, Kan Daoyuan, together with Mi Haokun, the deputy head of the delegation, the relevant responsible person of Gaoyou High tech Zone, and Niu Changming, the responsible person of Jiangsu Shangjin Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd., will arrive in Ningbo before 12 o'clock the next day to meet with Yang Weiyou, academician of the Material Engineering Research Institute of Ningbo University of Technology. How can travel be inconvenient in foggy weather without affecting the next day's itinerary? Kan Daoyuan pondered and decided to depart from Gaoyou at 6 pm that night. Six hours later, they arrived in Ningbo. Seeing Kan Daoyuan, Academician Yang Weiyou came forward with a hug. I was originally thinking about whether to reschedule the fog, but I didn't expect you to come overnight, "said Academician Yang Weiyou.

Sitting in a car for six hours continuously, my body is tired, but my mind is excited. At night, Kan Daoyuan lay in bed unable to sleep, thinking in his mind that the 9th Plenary Session of the 7th Municipal Party Committee emphasized that "technological innovation is the first driving force", and local enterprises need to innovate their technology, but their own abilities are limited. "Helping them find the 'stepping stone' to connect with the large courtyard, this is what our technology town leadership team needs to do

Jiangsu Shangjin Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. has always hoped to connect with universities, establish academician workstations, and improve the technology of LED street lights and other products. It was with the help of the Science and Technology Mayor's Group that the Material Engineering Research Institute of Ningbo University of Technology was contacted.

This trip to Ningbo has yielded gratifying results. We have reached an agreement and confirmed the details of our cooperation, "Niu Changming told reporters.

Due to the need to visit enterprises before the New Year, at 6 pm on the 13th, Kan Daoyuan and his team rushed back to Gaoyou from Ningbo.

As soon as he returned to the office, Zhang Xiaofeng, the mayor of Science and Technology Town, led Ji Shunhua, the general manager of Jiangsu Jinrun Longke Co., Ltd. It turned out that on December 28 last year, Gaoyou City held the first science and technology innovation and entrepreneurship competition, and Zhang Xiaofeng invited Professor Sun Zhicheng's team from Beijing Printing Institute to participate in the competition. Ji Shunhua, who was watching the competition on-site, is very interested in Professor Sun Zhicheng's participation project and would like to ask experts from the Science and Technology Town Mayor's team to help lead the way.

No problem, I have decided this matter, "said Kan Daoyuan

Wang Xuefeng, member of the Standing Committee of Gaoyou Municipal Party Committee and head of the Organization Department, told the reporter that there were nine members of Gaoyou Group, the twelfth group of provincial science and technology town leaders, whose specialties covered eight pillar industries of Gaoyou. Last August, nine technology town mayors came to Gaoyou, each providing technical guidance to enterprises and helping them connect with large institutions. On average, each person had two to three projects in negotiation

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